Home Archived Mic Drop: White House Press Secretary Fires Back About Russia Collusion

Mic Drop: White House Press Secretary Fires Back About Russia Collusion

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer addresses CNN's continued harassment about Trump campaign collusion with Russia.

CNN reported earlier that Trump associates may have indeed had communications with Russians during the 2016 election that led to damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her campaign.  When asked about it again by the press pool, Spicer was ready for the subject and laid a smacked down on CNN.

“So let’s actually look at what CNN reported,” began Spicer.  “They reported that anonymous US officials have told them that the information indicates that association of the campaign, and suspected operatives coordinated, which they admit is not conclusive of anything which is bordering on collusion.  The last line said, ‘The FBI cannot yet prove that collusion took place.'”

Then Spicer dropped the hammer:

“I think there is more – probably more – evidence that CNN colluded with the Clinton campaign to give her debate questions than the Trump campaign gave any collusion [with Russia].”
