Home Archived Top Democrat: Obama Admin Was Investigating Trump Since Spring of 2015

Top Democrat: Obama Admin Was Investigating Trump Since Spring of 2015

Mary Anne Marsh revealed the Obama administration had been investigating Donald Trump since the spring of 2015.

Mary Anne Marsh, a principal of the Dewey Square Group, a Democratic public affairs consulting firm, revealed on Justice that the Obama administration had been investigating Donald Trump since the spring of 2015.

Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president in June 2015.

Marsh stated during a Fox News Segment:  “Fact, the investigation of Trump, his associates and their relationship with Russia started in the spring of 2015.  That is a fact.  That is widely known.”

Judge Jeanine Pirro then asked Marsh, “Why did Obama wait until after they had lost in December to launch an investigation?”


“Two separate investigations – One associations with Russia started in spring of 2015.  Obama got his first briefing in June of 2015.  The post-election investigation was into the election itself… distinct.” Replied Marsh.

The more information that comes to light regarding the previous administration’s surveillance of candidate Trump’s team, the more apparent it appears that there was misuse of the U.S. government intelligence community for political gains.

I am wondering if we will ever get the truth.